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Ci saranno cambiamenti a questo programma?

I Midguardian sono in fase iniziale, e verranno applicate modifiche e aggiornamenti. Ad esempio, il sistema di punteggio non è definitivo, e vogliamo anche aggiungere nuove ricompense. Vogliamo creare un sistema più equo possibile grazie al vostro feedback.

The Midguardian Program is operated by Norsfell Games and is subject to Norsfell’s Privacy Policy. Would you like to continue?

The Tribes of Midgard newsletter is operated by Norsfell Games and is subject to Norsfell’s Privacy Policy. By signing up, you will receive news about the game via email. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of the emails you receive from Norsfell. For more information about Norsfell’s privacy practices, please see Norsfell’s Privacy Policy.