The Valhalloween Event has begun!
The Valhalloween Event will run October 12 – November 1!
Hiló Vikings!
It’s time to embrace the spooky season with axes held high, as we kick off our first Festive event with Valhalloween! 🎃👻
This celebration starts today, October 12th, and runs until November 1st. Everyone and everything from Valhalla, to the Village, to the Goblins (and even some Helthings) will be showing off in this seasonal makeover.
New Valhalloween Enemies
First we’ve introduced new Helthings, called Val Helthings (…pun intended), and have given our well-known Goblins some very fitting pumpkin heads. A long time ago (nearly a year ago) we toyed around with this idea just for fun, and now, they’re in Midgard!

You’ll need to seek out and take down these enemies, to complete our Festive Challenges…
New Festive Challenges and Rewards
There will be 3 Festive Challenges during this event!
Festive Challenge Week 1: Defeat 20 Linnorms to earn the Headstone Loot Chest! With Mid-Saga, we’ve added the ability to select your choice of Loot Chest to safeguard your inventory in the unfortunate event of your in-game demise.

Festive Challenge Week 2: Defeat 50 Val Helthings to earn the Little Stranger pet! This enigmatic little trick or treater just wants to make friends… or does it? We promise they’re here for the treats, not tricks.

Festive Challenge Week 3: Defeat 75 Pumpkin Goblins to earn the Valhalloween Portrait to commemorate your spooky spirit with. Take home a piece of the Valhalloween logo itself!

Vanity Changes
Valhalla and the Village themselves have seen some fall-themed changes, adorned with pumpkins to keep the festive spirit high. Plus, keep an ear out for some Valhalloween themed music while on the Main Menu or when defending the Village at Night! Beware the giggles!

New Cosmetics
Need a costume? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to check out the cosmetics below, which will rotate through the Shop through the duration of Valhalloween.
- Linnorm Costume Set: Unlocked with Golden Horns in the Shop
- Headless Norseman Set: Unlocked with Golden Horns in the Shop
- Werewolf Set: Unlocked with Platinum Coins in the Shop

- Fluffy Fang – an adorable little werewolf pup that’s eager to explore Midgard: Unlocked with Platinum Coins in the Shop

Last, make sure to join our Discord to meet up with players, and to let us know what you think! Many of the improvements made during the Mid Saga 1 update were community-driven, and we want you to know we’re keeping an eye on your suggestions and feedback. We look forward to hearing more.
Stay safe out there, stay spooky, and don’t let the Úlfurs bite.
Until next time,
The Norsfell Team
Twitter: @tribesofmidgard