Tribes of Midgard: Construction Limit Update
Survival Construction Limit + Final Ancient Update

Construction Update (Survival Mode):
- Construction Limit [PC, Xbox, PlayStation]
- Doubled the limit of Constructions that players can place in their Worlds
- This change will be applied to all existing Worlds in progress
- Construction Gauge
- Re-calibrated the impact that each Construction piece has on the Construction Gauge to get more mileage out of it
[Norsfell Note]: Enabling the player’s ability to express their creativity is vital to us, and we understand that the technical limits on the Construction system can often feel restrictive. That is why we’ve been hard at work optimizing and re-configuring our systems to loosen up some of these restrictions, giving players more creative freedom to pursue their Viking homebuilding dreams!
As part of this continued effort, this update not only doubles the maximum amount of Constructions you can place in a given world, but also revises how each Construction piece contributes towards that limit. This combined approach should allow you to build larger, more sprawling, and more numerous structures than before. Our goal is very much to continue working on these systems for even greater flexibility in the future, but in the meantime, we hope you enjoy this change.
Happy building!
Update to the Final Ancient
- Moderate Buff
- The Damage, Health, and Armor values of the Final Ancient were given a moderate increase all around to feel more in-line with the other Ancients.
[Norsfell Note]: As the final Saga Quest of Valhalla Saga serves as more of an Epilogue, it was our goal for the Final Ancient to not be the toughest Ancient in the game, but rather a fun and exciting way to wrap up your adventure after having already defeating so many challenges to get here.
However, we feel that we tuned the Final Ancient a bit too low, which often led to a complete steamrolling of the fight by our battle-hardened community. To rebalance the encounter, we’ve moderately improved the base stats for the Final Ancient across the board, to make the fight a bit more impactful and ensure that it’s not all over too quickly.
Happy hunting!
These changes will take effect to all existing Worlds (no update required), so you can jump right in to Midgard!
As always, thank you for your continued feedback. Should you experience any issues at all, don’t hesitate to let us know on Discord or via our official Forum.
Seil seil (p.s. that means goodbye in High Midgardian),
The Norsfell team
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